What is GLOBE?
GLOBE is a field-based K-12 science initiative with participants spanning over 100 countries around the world. As a GLOBE Partner, ACCF offers Douglas County students the opportunity to connect with students worldwide in scientific and cultural exchange, in conjunction with Story of Your Place.

The GLOBE initiative covers five Earth spheres: the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere, and Earth as a system. GLOBE offers a wide range of educational resources, including:
- Teacher training
- Field science activities
- Data entry, visualization, and retrieval
- A worldwide community
- Events
Relevance to SoYP
GLOBE is a central part of our Story of Your Place curriculum. We have selected a small number of GLOBE protocols and GLOBE Observer activities that all SoYP participating schools will do so that they can compare their places with each other, and with other locations in Oregon and around the world. These include:
- Land cover
- Min/max air temperature (and see comparison of ACCF and other GLOBE sites!)
- Tree height (protocol or Observer app)
In addition, we will recommend and train teachers in GLOBE-related field activities relevant to their chosen place in the context of the guiding question “What are the physical and biological characteristics of this place?”
For more information on how we can train and support you in GLOBE, please contact ACCF.